HubPages is an online social content community where everyday experts share their knowledge through online articles. A web-based platform for people to publish one-page topical articles, HubPages runs ads on the articles and shares 60 percent of the revenue with the writers. HubPages encourages its writers to connect with others in the community through its social programs and features. Writers retain ownership of their articles and are free to edit, delete or change them as they please. HubPages provides easy-to-use online publishing technology, an SEO- and ad-friendly platform, and an easy way for individual experts to be recognized for their expertise and knowledge.
With an active community of hundreds of thousands of writers who have published over 1 million articles, HubPages has over 45 million monthly unique visitors and is one of the top 50 largest sites in the US according to Quantcast. More information is available on HubPages’ monetization is powered by its YieldBuild advertising optimization platform which services 1000s of other independent websites. Based upon ad size, ad layout, ad network, and ad formatting analysis, YieldBuild’s advanced machine-learning algorithms provide a comprehensive, hands-off approach to managing and optimizing advertising revenue.